A.1. | How can I get the latest version of Gallery? |
There are two different 'latest' versions of Gallery. There is the version that has been released by the Gallery developers in a packaged format on the downloads page, and there is the source code which is available from CVS on SourceForge. Since developers are continuously adding new features and tweaking the codebase, the Gallery packages will tend to be more stable than the version you'll get from CVS. However, the version in CVS will have more current bugfixes and neat modifications. The version in CVS is typically pretty stable, since the developers use it to power their own personal Galleries, but it is bound to have the occasional major glitch. | |
A.2. | How can I get the latest CVS version of Gallery? |
The CVS binaries are a prerequisite. You can get them from cvshome.org. To download the initial copy of the source run these commands: % cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gallery login When it asks for a password just hit enter. % cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gallery co gallery Once you have a version of Gallery that you've downloaded via CVS all you have to do is: % sh configure.sh; cvs -z3 update -APd Don't forget to put Gallery in config mode before doing the update or your setup directory won't get updated! CVS nightlies can also be downloaded from http://jpmullan.com/galleryupdates/. |