Embedding Gallery

PHP Nuke / PostNuke

PHP Nuke / PostNuke

Embedding Gallery into PHP Nuke or PostNuke is incredibly easy. We already assume you have successfully setup your CMS (Content Management System).

  1. Download Gallery, from the Download Page

  2. Untar Gallery and upload it to your Nuke modules/ directory. It is very important that it goes in this directory

  3. Install Gallery just as if you were doing a non-nuke installation, see one of the following guides: Unix with Shell Access, Unix with FTP Access, Windows on Apache, Windows on IIS

  4. Through Nuke, login as an admin and navigate to the "Modules" administration tool. Install and activate Gallery (in Postnuke, you may need to "regenerate" the list of modules). You must activate the module or only admins will be able to access it

  5. Your Gallery is installed through Nuke! In PHP-Nuke, Gallery should show up in the Modules block. In PostNuke, you may need to manually add it to the menu.


Please consult the documentation in the /gallery/contrib directory for more information. Embedding often requires some additional changes in the manner of file patches before it will work properly.


You can change the name of the gallery directory in your modules/ directory. Gallery will detect the changes and do the right thing.


Gallery is in fact a Mambo component right out of the box! If you have an existing Mambo version 4.5 or newer installation, you'll have Gallery up and running embedded in your Mambo site in a jiffy. Gallery will even integrate seamlessly with your existing Mambo user information.

  1. First, grab the latest version of Gallery from the Download Page.

  2. Install Gallery just as if you were doing a non-Mambo installation, all on its own. See one of the following guides for further help here: Unix with Shell Access, Unix with FTP Access, Windows on Apache, Windows on IIS.

  3. Make sure you have completed the Gallery setup all the way through. Don't worry too much about the look and feel out of the box just yet, because it will look slightly different once embedded into Mambo.

  4. Now log into your Mambo administrator console and install Gallery as a component. The easiest method is to select Install/Uninstall from the Components menu.

    The Components Menu in the Mambo administrator console

    Since you already have Gallery installed (you did step 1, right?!), you'll want to choose "Install from directory". For "Install directory", enter the full path on disk to your gallery/contrib/mambo directory. It might look something like /home/www/mysite.com/htdocs/gallery/contrib/mambo. The Gallery setup Step 2 "Locations and URLs" tab has some full paths specified which might help here. Then click the Install button.

    Specify the full path to your gallery/contrib/mambo directory

    If it was successful, click Continue. Otherwise, it's likely you didn't enter the correct install path, so go back and double check it.

    If you see this, you've added Gallery successfully

  5. Now, you should be able to select "Gallery" from the Components menu. You should then be at the Gallery component configuration page inside the Mambo admin page. There are three Mambo-specific settings for Gallery.

    The Gallery component setup page

    The path to Gallery is the same path as you entered earlier, only without the /contrib/mambo part at the end. This tells Mambo where to find your actual installation. The "Admin Level" sets the lowest-privilege user level allowed to have admin access to Gallery. Admin access allows the user to view, create, or delete any or all items in Gallery. In Mambo terminology, "Backend" users have a higher privilege level than "Frontend" users. The final setting on this page asks whether you'd like Gallery to suppress the right-hand module bar. This gives Gallery a little extra space in the browser window. Remember... you can return to this configuration page at any time to make changes later on. All other Gallery configuration can be done via the Gallery setup page you saw earlier.

  6. You'll probably want to add Gallery to your main menu. From the Mambo admin page, go to the Menu menu and select "Menu Manager". For this example, we'll add Gallery to the main menu. Click the configuration button for the main menu Menu Items. You'll be presented with the existing menu contents. Click New from the top toolbar. Gallery is a Mambo Component, so select that. Give your menu item a display name and select Gallery from the component list. Set the rest of the options as you see fit and click Save from the toolbar. If all went well, you'll now have a link to your Gallery in your main menu from your Mambo page. If you're logged in as the administrator, click [new album] and get Gallerying!

    Link to your embedded Gallery in the main menu

If you get stuck at any point, remember that there's always help available on the Gallery website and in the forums.